BSR - deeply healing (for any ailment)

An incredible body worker

I have been having treatments with Tom Hein in Nailsworth for 12 months. He is an incredible body worker and a true master of his craft. He offers Body Stress Release, amongst his multi skilled tool bag of wellbeing services. It's a fully clothed body work session, so so subtle and SO deeply healing, supporting deep release and structural re-alignment. I absolutely love it and Tom is my go-to therapist for any ailments. He's absolutely brilliant, deeply present and thoroughly kind.

R Sequoia


I tried quite a few different modalities,
but nothing seemed to give lasting results.

“I’d been having ongoing aches and pains, in particular back and neck discomfort, as well as restless legs at night which sometimes resulted in me taking a painkiller in order to get some relief (and sleep).

I tried quite a few different modalities with varying degrees of success, but nothing seemed to give lasting results.

When Tom started giving me BSR my back was so ultra sensitive that he could barely touch it, never mind do any deep pressure relief on it! With ongoing sessions the sensitivity lessened, then vanished completely.

The restless legs are a thing of the past and I have also realised that my back and neck are not constantly holding on to stress, and feel way more relaxed. 

Before BSR I was wearing shoe inserts recommended by my podiatrist, to help with my “twisted” hips resulting in one leg being “shorter” than the other, which affected my walking gait and one hip.

On Tom’s recommendation I discarded the inserts, and with regular BSR sessions, I am delighted to say that there has been a massive ongoing improvement in my hip discomfort - I honestly thought I was going to need a hip replacement eventually!

I can see a huge value in having ongoing sessions as it took years to incur imbalance in my body and this can not be eliminated over night. I plan to make BSR a part of my healthful life.

Thank you Tom!”

Trish V B


Long standing issue eliminated - FINALLY!

Ever since I was a young boy, my stomach would “talk” - making unusual gurgling noises, and of course, at the most inopportune moments, when around people and everyone was quiet and could here what my stomach had to “say” ….. very embarrassing!

I thought I would have to live with this the rest of my life (I am now in my early 60’s), but not the case! After just one round of Asyra remedies from Tom, the beast rears its ugly (and noisy) head no more!

Whatever is in those drops, has stopped a lifetime of embarrassment, and I would have paid the small cost many times over to have this result!




My sleeping has improved immeasurably.

“Tom is a kind, soft spoken, easy to talk to practitioner. He explained how BSR works in a calm, factual way and you can’t help but feel at ease, interested, and keen to start the process asap!’

I found that I was incredibly relaxed after each of the three sessions, and my sleeping has improved immeasurably.

I recommend Tom to anyone who is suffering with pain, anxiety, insomnia, or tension that is held anywhere in the body.”

Sue L


I’m hooked and am now having regular BSR sessions.

I was astonished to experience almost instant relief from intense pain and discomfort after my first BSR session with Tom. I have never had this experience before. On arrival for a subsequent session I had a huge tight headache and again, left with a lot less pain. Amazing. I was hooked and am having regular BSR sessions with Tom ever since.

I can honestly say, having tried many things over many years, for a wide range of symptoms, that BSR is the most compelling.

An added bonus is Tom's very special gentle nature. The treatment is extremely comforting, relaxing, and pleasant too.

Joanna O

Asyra - improvements within the 1st round of remedies!

“Let the magic begin!”

I’ve been interested in all things alternative for as long as I can remember.  Recently I joined a Telegram group of alternative therapists and was interested to follow Tom Hein about the Asyra Bio-resonance experience.  

Tom has a very cosy treatment room in Nailsworth.  I wanted to see if anything could be done to improve my insomnia, worrying hair loss and receding gums. 

After my first session in person I was given my imprinted remedies and returned for my second scan some weeks later.  During that time my sleep improved enormously and my hair had stopped falling out. 

The second scan threw up some other issues but I have every faith these will be resolved.  After two sessions in person, I feel confident enough to have my next scan done remotely - let the magic begin!

Tom is kind and gentle, and very pro for the body’s ability to heal itself with its own innate wisdom.  I can thoroughly recommend Tom and his amazing Asyra Bio-resonance machine.

Clare - Hampshire


Less stress = lower BP


Thank you for today’s initial treatment.

Just to let you know I feel very loose and relaxed.

My blood pressure tonight is 145/75 with pulse at 61 thank you.

My normally stressed shoulders and neck seems very calm.

I am grateful to you!

Brian K

BSR - surprisingly effective!

Alleviating computer-posture related pains

Thank you very much Tom, for the treatment I have received.

As you know, I am not a follower of "alternative" medicine so it has been a surprise to me how well this has worked.

My stereotypical computer operators arms and shoulder tightness has pretty much gone after only 4 sessions, and my general posture and mobility is massively improved.

Thanks again,

Marc G

BSR - effects of neck injury gone

Well-being CAN be achieved without medication!

After an injury to my neck I was in a lot of pain - the spasms down my back, arm and shoulder were incessant. This was my worst injury to date and affected everything from my appetite to sleep patterns to my ability to exercise. I was also on a lot of painkillers just to get through a day.

After my first session with Tom I experienced (for the first time in weeks) relief which gave me hope that this injury could heal with his help. I ditched the painkillers and found the road to a BSR recovery!

Eight weeks in and I'm completely pain-free which is amazing. Thanks so much Tom, I continue to recommend you to anyone who wants to live in a healthier, pain-free body.

Dawn G


“BSR has given my body and mind the outlet it needs, and deserves.”

I was stuck in the rut of leading a very stressful life, combined with a long-term running injury. Having tried many avenues of mainstream medicine for my ailments, all failing, there didn’t seem to be a way out. Then I came across Tom and his BSR practice.

Tom is a practitioner who is responsive to your body’s needs. He always manages to explain the ins and outs of the body’s condition in an understandable manner, and runs you through each step of the treatment process. He goes the extra mile in ensuring you get what you need from each and every session, a quality that speeds up the body’s healing process.

After only a few initial sessions, my body feels as if it is in a much better space. I am more in tune with my body now. My mind has aligned itself to my increasingly stress-free body, and my injury improves with each and every session. BSR has given my body and mind the outlet it needs, and deserves.

As a result of my positive experience at Tom’s practice, I can wholeheartedly recommend his service. After everything I’ve tried, BSR has finally given me hope. 

Leandri F.


“Greatly benefiting me ……”

Thanks so much for your exceptional care yesterday!

I am greatly benefiting from your body work skills, along with your strong, yet gentle presence.

I have recommended you to many friends as a highly skilled practitioner, working in the wonderful modality called Body Stress Release.

Rachana S.

bsr - felt like my body woke up

“I feel so much better in myself”

My initial google search was for a deep massage as I had problems with my arm and shoulders.

I had previously been to a chiropractor who didn’t do much hence new research. I came across Body Stress Release and after speaking to Tom Hein and listening to his innate healing concept, I went for my first visit, and WHAT a difference he made to my arm and shoulder. The pins and needles disappeared almost instantly!

I had a further couple of appointments and Tom made me feel so much better in myself. The work on my back, legs, shoulders was amazing.

I must admit that after the first session, the next day felt like I’d been hit by a truck. But following days I had only slight pain in my shoulders, but - a spring in my step. I felt happier. My body felt like it was waking up.

Body Stress Release has made a big change in my body and I don’t feel hunched up - my shoulders are lower, posture better, and less in pack on my old knees.

I highly recommend Mr Hein (Tom) for any problems, I will be returning again just for top up on daily stresses and feel good factor.....

Carla S.

asyra - insightful & eye opening

“…. an active listener … offers support openly …. a true healer …”

Tom is an active listener and a true healer. As a new client, I felt that he built trust quickly and easily. For me this is key.

Since our first session, Tom has always been in contact, is quick to respond to questions or findings and offers support openly, whether in person or remotely.

My experience with Tom has been truly insightful and eye opening. I would highly recommend him to anyone who has been seeking emotional support throughout this troubled time.

Chelsea W.

Asyra & bsr - the best I have felt for a while now

“Asyra and BSR complement each other nicely”

Where do I begin with all the "thank you's" I owe you?!

Firstly, today I have felt the best I have felt for a while now. Maybe I am starting to turn the corner at last!

Secondly - thank you for sending me such a brilliantly set out and explained Asyra report!

I like the combo of Asyra and BSR and I think they complement each other nicely. I also must say, I think the BSR sessions are pretty powerful, and I can't wait to have my next one.

Once again many thanks for everything, Tom.

Cheni A.

Asyra-Patulous Eustachian Tube Dysfunction

“I thought there was no remedy”

For what has felt like forever, I have had to live with a rare condition that causes the tubes in my ears to not function properly after developing a nasty cold three years ago that has led to hearing loss, not being able to engage in a long conversation without continuous ear popping & having to put my head between my knees throughout the day to alleviate the air pressure so I can have a break from hearing my heart beating and breathing through my ears.

This has been very depressing and had a knock on my already low confidence.

Having had only one scan so far, I have been able to experience days where there has been no popping at all which has given me hope that there is light at the end of the tunnel!

I am very pleased to have tried Asyra as I thought there was no remedy for this condition.

Caroline T.

Asyra Healing for stroke & hand injury

“the Doctors were amazed!”

I have struggled with health issues, but by being introduced to Tom and his healing methods, my health has so improved.

I had a stroke several months ago which left me without the use of my left side. After I had Asyra Bio-Resonance scans, and was given remedy drops by Tom, I improved so quickly …. and the Drs were amazed!

More recently, I tripped and fell and injured my right hand and couldn't use it. I received imprinted dermal patches from Tom. The pain subsided quickly and didn't even leave a bruise.

I’m still having to deal with PTSD, but that will take time. Tom’s care and compassion is wonderful. I thoroughly recommend the Asyra Healing method.

Agnes H.

asyra help with covid & the jab

“the outcome was quite amazing!”

What a time we’ve all had (since the onset of covid) - many, many dark nights of the soul, with many more to come (in all likelihood). Hard, ugly truths are being broken wide open. Sorry to say, but trauma and shock will be trending on the MSM social media platforms in days & weeks to come. Brace yourself!

I found in Tom, the sweetest person who helped me through some very hair-raising dark nights of my soul; helped me through physical, spiritual, mental and emotional trauma. I highly recommend Tom with his bio-resonance system, which he used to scan me and the outcome was quite amazing!

He not only helped me, but friends & family all over the world. That’s the beauty of energy - it’s expansive and ongoing, it’s not confined to one place. So even though Tom (and his gorgeous wife Trish) live in England, you can access this healing modality from anywhere!

And now, more than ever, my dearly beloveds who took the toxin (covid vaccination) - reach out! Lots of people who have done this are being helped from the devastating effects it causes by this wonderful being and his Asyra machine.

Jennifer K S